The dentists at Hollinger Dental Group strive to provide a welcoming dental experience. We offer a wide range of dental and periodontics services to maintain your oral health.
Dr. Pascal Stevens
Dr. Stevens is trained to provide Invisalign, MTM (minor tooth movement) and the use of soft tissue lasers.
Dr. Dan Vockeroth
Dr. Vockeroth enjoys the variety of general dentistry and has a keen interest in orthodontics.
Dr. Allison Clark
Dr. Clark is happy to call Timmins her new home and is grateful to have been so warmly welcomed into the community.
Dr. Maxine Scripnick
Dr. Scripnick enjoys all aspects of dentistry with emphasis on patient education and open dialogue to foster trusting and long lasting relationships while providing patient care.
Dr. Michael Coyne
Dr. Michael Coyne is a General Dentist at Hollinger Dental Group in Timmins, Ontario.